News & Activities - 2020
Easter Decorations
Windmill Cub Pack
14 April 2020
We decided to decorate hard boiled eggs this week, as it’s Easter Monday! We showed the Cubs some examples then let them get to work on their own eggs –

Easter Virtual Camp 2020
Windmill Cub Pack
12 April 2020
The Coronavirus may have stopped us meeting up face to face, but it hasn’t stopped us having fun! On Friday 10th April 2020, we had our first ever virtual camp

Windmill Cubs go Virtual!
Windmill Cub Pack
7 April 2020
For our first attempt at virtual scouting we decided we’d start with something simple! Unfortunately face-to-face meetings have been put on hold for the foreseeable future, but that won’t stop

Woodland Beavers – Last meeting before lockdown
Woodland Beaver Colony
25 March 2020
We didn’t know it but this was our last meeting before lockdown. We did out safety badge, learning about water safety, road safety and safety in the home. After this