Windmill Cub Pack
→ Windmill Cub Pack
The Cub Pack is the second section of the Scout Group following on from Beavers. Cub Scouts are boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 ½. Windmill Pack meet on Monday evenings during term time, from 6pm until 7.45pm. Meetings usually take place at North Leigh Primary School, but we go wherever the adventure takes us!
We are one of two North Leigh Cubs Packs, which shows that our group is growing in size and strength, and we hope you’ll want to be a part of it too!
→ What do we get up to?
As you can see from the ‘News & Activities’ part of the website, we do lots of different things! More recently we have been having virtual meetings on Zoom, due to the coronavirus, where we’ve been doing things such as making microwave mug cakes, a family quiz, scavenger hunts, and crafts. We’ve recently started to meet face to face again (under strict guidance from The Scout Association), and so far we’ve completed our cyclist badge, gone on hikes, played games, and made bug houses among other things!
In a more normal year we love to make bivouacs, going on hikes, cook on fires, learning about knots and putting it in to practice, playing games, learning about other countries, making things, first aid, map reading, go camping – the list goes on! We can’t wait to get back to normal but we’re adapting well to let our Cubs get the most out of their time with us!
We also love to go camping, and aim to camp at least once each year. Recent camps include Pack Camp, Sixer and Seconder Camp, the Christmas Sleepover, PGL, OxonJam (a County Camp for all sections), Viking Camp, and Secret Agent Camp! During this unusual year we’ve opted for virtual camps at home, where our Cubs can either make a den in their house or camp in their garden!
The fun never stops in Cubs!
→ Badges!
Our balanced programme allows us to work towards the Chief Scout Silver Award, the highest award in Cub Scouts, which is earnt by completing all 7 challenge awards and 6 activity badges.
There are many other badges for the Cubs to earn, many of which are covered in the programme. Additionally, some Cubs enjoy earning other badges outside of Cubs, which we may not be able to cover, such as the martial arts activity badge or the equestrian activity badge. If you have a hobby, there may be a badge that you’ve already been able to earn!
→ Interested in joining Cubs?
If your child is interested in joining Windmill Cubs, please get in touch with our waiting list member:
→ Our Team
Many of our leaders have had children who have been through Scouting, or have been through Scouting themselves, and through this, they have gained lots of experience and knowledge. All of our leaders have taken names from Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book’
Here are Akela, dressed up for the OxonJam opening ceremony and Bagheera and Kaa during our Viking Camp.
Our Team
Alison Kennett (Akela) – Cub Scout Leader
Lucy Kennett (Kaa) – Assistant Section Leader and Network Scout
Evelyn Cookson – Assistant Leader (Provisional)
Useful Links
Our News & Activities

Windmill Cubs – Pioneering Challenge
Tonight the cubs were given a paper pioneering challenge. They had to produce a tower made out of newspapers that was as tall as possible, but that

Santa Visits Hailey & North Leigh 2024
Thank you to all of our young members, their parents and our leaders who came along to the Santa Visits Hailey and the Santa Visits

Virtual Duck Race 2024 – Winners!
Thank you to everyone who took part and helped us raise a wonderful £525 towards the running costs of the group! To see the 2024