Safeguarding & Safety
Keeping young people safe
Keeping everyone safe in scouting is everyone’s responsibility, creating a culture of safety within Scouts will help to do this, We do this by making safety part of everything we do and not just when we think something is high risk. Being safe is a fundamental skill for life for everyone.
All of our leaders are interviewed locally and asked to provide references. They undergo the mandatory training they need to be the best they can be, including basic first aid and child protection. Special training is provided for those taking young people away on residential events like camps and sleepovers.
Everyone who works with young people also has to undertake a disclosure check (also known as a ‘police check’).
Below are the Scout Association’s videos on safeguarding for Beavers and Cubs, and for Scouts and Explorers.
Beaver and Cub videoRaising a concern
If you’re unhappy with anything relating to your child’s time in The Scouts, you should raise it immediately with your local leaders, no matter how trivial it may seem.
If you’d rather speak to someone else, contact the Scout Information Centre on 0345 300 1818.
Risk Assessments
Scouting is all about providing the maximum thrill and adventure for our your members while ensuring that we have done everything we do to make our activities as safe as possible.
The leader in-charge of each evening or activity will have carried out a risk assessment specific to the session or camp. The section leader will be happy to share these with you upon request.