The Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts joined members of Girl Guiding and people from North Leigh to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War One, as well as remember everyone who has served our country. The parade was lead by our new Group Scout Leader, Mathew Ives, and followed by members of our group holding the Union Flag, and their section flags.

As it is the 100 year anniversary, the Beavers decorated pebbles with poppies and the names of everyone from the village who had not returned after the war, and the two Cub Packs made poppies, which Pip then turned into a banner. The Scouts made a banner for each individual who died from the village, which were held up for everyone to read during the first hymn of the church service.
There were also readings of prayers by some of our Cubs and Scouts during the service
Everyone looked very smart and behaved very well, and did North Leigh Scout Group very proud.