This year we only had a small group of sixers and seconders, but we didn’t let that stop us! This is a camp for the older Cubs, to give them a bit more freedom and a taste of what they may get up to at Scouts. It’s for all of the sixers and seconders in West Oxfordshire, so it’s nice to be able to meet up with other Cub Packs.
We all met up near Cogges Farm in Witney, and had to walk to the campsite near the Church in North Leigh. To do this, we had to first see where we were on the map! Throughout the morning, we then followed instructions that had been given to us, and we managed to get to the campsite. We even found some ducks on the way, and had a chance to play pooh-sticks!
Once we arrived at the campsite, the Cubs then had to put up their own tents! They got to use the force-10 tents, which are great as the Cubs can reach the top, and they’re very simple to put up, so they hardly needed any help from us.
After chopping up firewood and making a fire, it was then onto cooking our dinner! We chose to base our dinner on Italy, so we had meatballs and pasta! It was really tasty, and the Cubs did a great job making it.
We also made ‘Camping Apple Pie French Toast Rolls‘ for dessert, which were really tasty (I’ve put the link in in case you wanted to try them at home!). I don’t have any photos of them as when we were making them we got a bit messy, and then they were eaten too quickly!
After washing up, we then went to the campfire, where we sang songs and then performed skits to compete for the Michael Roper Trophy. Sadly we didn’t win, but the the Cubs did very well and here’s their skit;

It was very cold during the night, but luckily we all had plenty of layers and bedding!
We woke up in the morning, and got to cutting wood for the fire so that we could make our breakfast. We were adventurous and we made American pancakes and bacon! The only downside was that the syrup had gone slightly solid overnight, but we managed to still use it!

We then washed up and spent a while cleaning the pots we had used – they went from black to a sparkling silver! Then it was time to pack up and go home.

We had a great time, and the Cubs loved being able to chop up their fire wood and cook their own food!