What a great time we had at the West Oxfordshire Beavers’ Festive Afternoon and there was so much to do! We had outdoor activities such as the Reindeer search, singing around a camp fire, making and eating smores, making Reindeer heads and the polar bear hunt. We also had lots of indoor crafting activities and we got to see the big man in red!
It was great to see all the beavers from the other colonies within the district and to sing Christmas carols with them at the end of the afternoon. With 16 beavers, we were the best represented colony at the event and we were really proud of the way our beavers joined in and had such a great time, representing the Mighty, Mighty 1st North Leigh so well – well done beavers!
Thanks to Ant (Anthony), Eagle (Sarah), Nicky and Philip for looking after our group and a special thank you to Lisa and all the other local beaver leaders who made the afternoon so enjoyable.
I have had to leave out a lot of the photos that we took because we don’t have permission to show beavers from other colonies but here are some pictures and a few short videos of the beavers having fun: