This weekend we went to PGL in Liddington!
We arrived on the Friday evening and met Dan, our group leader. We then unpacked, and went to dinner! Next we went straight into our evening activity called ‘Passports’. It involved the Cubs running around in the dark to various flags around the area we were playing in, and then answering questions to earn points for their ‘passports’. We played it in room groups, and the scores on the door (couldn’t resist, sorry!) were Room 57 got 27 points, Room 53 got 30 points, and Room 56 got 31 points, so it was very close!
After wearing the Cubs out, we went to bed reasonably early (10pm!), so we were all ready for the first day of activities!
We had a lovely cooked breakfast, and then we were off to our activities! We split into two groups, so in the morning everyone had a go at both the vertical challenge and aeroball!
In vertical challenge, each of the Cubs had a go at climbing, belaying, and back up belaying. Everyone was very good at encouraging each other, and everyone managed to beat the height they achieved on their first go when they had a second try. Even Akela had a go!
In aeroball, the Cubs worked in pairs to score points by getting the ball to land in the opposing team’s net. Did I mention they were also on trampolines at the same time?
We then met up again with Dan and went to lunch. Afterwards, we went to the afternoon activities of buggy building and fencing.
In buggy building we used our pioneering skills to create a buggy big enough or us to sit on. One group made two smaller buggys, whilst the other made one larger one!
Fencing, as you probably know, involves learning the techniques of the sport, and then letting each of the Cubs have a foil (the fencing sword)! They were really good, and took on all of the advice our instructor gave us.
We then had a chance for some free time, so we spent half of it in our rooms relaxing, then the other half playing games with Dan (our group leader). We had chicken goujons (or veggie nuggets) and chips for tea, then we were off to play Splash!
We split into groups and played two rounds of activites in order to win recycling such as cardboard, paper, and plastic bags so that could create something to protect a water balloon.
The teams had to make the tallest shoe tower they could, and then draw a very flattering and complimentary picture of Dan, and they then got an amount of recycling based on their scores!
I’ll admit that I failed, and completely forgot to take any photos of the water balloon protectors, sorry! But once they were completed we headed outside and went to the abseiling tower, where Dan dropped each of the creations from the very top. Amazingly, all three water balloons survived! As a reward, each team was allowed to throw their water balloon at Dan, but fortunately for him they were very strong water balloons, so didn’t really pop!
We woke up and packed all of our things away in record time, then went off to breakfast before starting our last morning of activities.
Instead of splitting into two groups and doing two different activities, we instead stayed as one group and spent the entire morning on the tree top trail! We all had a go, including Kaa, Raskha, and Akela (although we forgot to take photos of Akela doing it!)
We were taught how to safely navigate our way around the course, transferring our safety ropes from one wire to another. It was great fun going through the obstacle course in the trees!
We then went home after having lunch!
We had a great time this weekend, and really enjoyed ourselves. All of the Cubs were really good and tried their best!