On the first Saturday of half term the Beavers visited OxonJam! OxonJam is a county camp, that saw over 4,500 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Young Leaders, and Leaders from across Oxfordshire gather in the grounds of Blenheim Palace for a three night camp.
Each district was allocated a theme, and West Oxfordshire’s was ‘Wild West’. In our district, everyone received a t-shirt which depicted the theme, and then each group had it in different colours (ours were black and orange).
As we were there for only one day, we were allowed to explore all four of the Hollywood themed zones – Bond, Indiana, Phantom, and Robotics.
There were lots of fun activities to do, so we started the day off in the Robotics and Phantom zones. The Beavers had fun doing lots of activities, including science experiments, the woggle wall, a cinema in a tent, tile decorating, Lego, and ‘exploding’ boomerangs.
After all of the activities in the morning, we met up with the Cubs (both Windmill and Kestrel Packs) to have lunch at their camp, as they were camping for the three nights.
After lunch, we went to the Bond and Indiana zones. Here, there were lots of exciting activities to try out. The Beavers made a torch and a fingerprint keyring, wrote on paper with lemon juice then used a tea light to reveal the message, and went on the climbing wall, giant slide, and a simulator where we went on a ‘space rollercoaster’ (which made us leaders squeal a bit, but the Beavers seemed to love it!).
The Beavers really loved the day, and we can’t wait until the next county camp in four years time!