Duck Race 2022
Duck Race 2022
The 1st North Leigh Scout Group are glad to announce that our annual Duck Race will be taking place on Saturday, 2nd July 2022, from 12pm, on the river Evenlode. The main race will start at about 1pm.
The Duck Race is our main fund-raising event and enables us to raise the vital funds needed to provide new equipment and support the many activities we offer to our young Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, all of whom come from the local area.
Ducks cost £2 and the first 3 ducks to finish will win:
1st £100; 2nd £50; 3rd £25.
If you would like to buy a duck or two (or ten!), please click on this ‘How To Buy A Duck’ button:
Lottery Licence No. 848
How To Buy A Duck
All of our ducks are quacking swimmers, though some are faster than others. If you would like to buy any number of ducks in our 2022 Duck Race, please send a quick email to our Group Chair, Jeremy Taylor, at, stating your full name and how many ducks (£2 each) you would like to buy.
Using the secure SumUp application, Jeremy will then send you an electronic invoice, to the email address you contacted him on, for the number of ducks you have requested and this can quickly and easily be paid online using any debit or credit card.
Once payment has been confirmed, Jeremy will send you the racing numbers of your ducks via email.
We will publish all the winners on this website soon after the event and will also contact the winners individually.
Thank you so much for supporting us and we wish you the very best of luck!
Two cows were chatting over the fence and one said “I’m worried about this mad-cow-disease, it’s pretty scary and they say it’s spreading fast.” The other cow replied, “We don’t need to worry, it won’t affect us ducks.”
How Our Duck Race Works And Why You Should Come Along Even If You Are Not Part Of The Scouting Family
It is a great day out by the river!
There will be up to 2000 ducks in the race and the first 3 ducks to finish will win: 1st £100; 2nd £50; 3rd £25.
Enjoy a fabulous afternoon by the river with a burger or hot dog from the barbecue and a refreshing drink from the bar, which will be serving lager, bitter, cider and soft drinks. There will be a tombola and raffle, a welly wanging competition, which can get very competitive, and a duck decorating stall – decorated ducks will be having their own race.
The race takes place in accordance with our Lottery Licence No. 848.
Two Scottish ducks were waddling down the road when one says to the other, “Quack”. The other replies, “I’m going as quack as I can!”
Why Support Us?
We are really hoping that this years’ duck race will be a great success and help us to continue to maintain and even improve the wonderful array of activities and experiences that we offer to our members.
All of our adult members are volunteers who freely give a great chunk of their own time to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.
Our Values
- Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
- Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others.
- Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
- Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.
- Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.
Our Method
Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:
- enjoy what they are doing and have fun
- take part in activities indoors and outdoors
- learn by doing
share in spiritual reflection
take responsibility and make choices - undertake new and challenging activities
- make and live by their Promise.
A platypus walked into a bar owned by a duck and ordered a drink. When he had finished, he decided to leave and asked to settle his account. So, duck billed platypus.
Did You Know?
Ducks can be found both in salt water and in fresh water. We all know the collective noun for ducks as ‘flock’, a flock of ducks. However, did you know that the following are all used as well:
- badling – don’t mess with these guys!
- brace – a pair of ducks who have been to the dentist?
- bunch – when grown on trees?
- herd – Moo! Even ducks can learn a foreign language
- paddling – not quite willing to go in up to their shoulders
- raft – for the non-swimmers?
- safe – Is this pond safe? Well, it deep ends!
- skein – typically flying in the V-shaped formation
- sord – when on the ground
- sore – after a long migratory flight?
- string – Mr Duck, are you part of this string? I’m a frayed not!
- team – a single duck swimming alone makes no race!
- waddling – waddle they come up with next!