Duck Race 2024
The Results!!!
A huge thank you to everyone who bought ducks for the races!
Duck Race 2024
The 1st North Leigh Scout Group are glad to announce that our first ever Virtual Duck Race (VDR) will be taking place over a number of days during the beginning of November.
It is a long running tradition with the 1st North Leigh Scout Group that we run an annual Duck Race to raise funds for the Group, which helps us to keep our subscriptions costs at a reasonable level and allows us to subsidise events such as our annual Group Day.
The winners will receive the following prizes:
2nd Prize (2nd place in the final) £50
3rd Prize (3rd place in the final) £25
Duck cost £2 each and we encourage the selling of ducks to your relatives, friends or nice neighbours but please don’t allow your young members to do any door-to-door selling!
A copy of the Duck Race Form can be found here.
Please note that the deadline for returning your completed Duck Race Sheets and any money to your section leaders is Friday, 8th November 2024.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can send a photo or scan of your Duck Race Sheet to Jeremy Taylor, the Group Chair, at or on WhatsApp to 07946 333094. You will then be given details about how to pay the money electronically. This payment information was included in the email sent to scouting families on 5th October.
Depending upon how many ducks we sell, we will have a number of heats, with no more than 100 ducks per race, spread over a number of evenings. The first 5 ducks from each heat will race in the grand final. All races will be recorded and, along with the race results, will be accessed from this page on our website.
We cannot run this scout group without your support and we sincerely thank you for supporting of the Mighty, Mighty, 1st North Leigh Scout Group!
We wish you and your ducks the very best of luck in the races!
The race takes place in accordance with our Lottery Licence No. 848.
Two Scottish ducks were waddling down the road when one says to the other, “Quack”. The other replies, “I’m gooin’ as quack as I can!”
Why a Virtual Duck Race
Whereas a real duck race is wonderful fun, it involves huge volunteer effort in getting permission to use the field and river, asking for any animals using the area to be moved, clearing the river of debris, getting together all the equipment required, counting the ducks, replacing the missing ducks, the writing of a huge risk assessment and many other tasks.
In addition to this, you no longer have to feel guilty about getting on with your weekend lives and not making the effort to trek down to the Evenlode in the rain. We are completely weather dependant and it can be very disappointing for us when the weather is poor and very few people make it down to the river to watch.
Our volunteers already give a lot of their time in serving your children and they have an increasing number of planning, training and administrative commitments to contend with; therefore, we are taking the easier option!
Why Support Us?
We are really hoping that this year’s virtual duck race will be a great success and help us to continue to maintain and even improve the wonderful array of activities and experiences that we offer to our members.
All of our adult members are volunteers freely give a great chunk of their own time to actively engage and support our young members in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.
Our Values
- Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
- Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others.
- Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
- Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.
- Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.
Our Method
Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:
- enjoy what they are doing and have fun
- take part in activities indoors and outdoors
- learn by doing
share in spiritual reflection
take responsibility and make choices - undertake new and challenging activities
- make and live by their Promise.
A platypus walked into a bar owned by a duck and ordered a drink. When he had finished, he decided to leave and asked to settle his account. So, duck billed platypus.
Did You Know?
Ducks can be found both in salt water and in fresh water. We all know the collective noun for ducks as ‘flock’, a flock of ducks. However, did you know that the following are all used as well:
- badling – don’t mess with these guys!
- brace – a pair of ducks who have been to the dentist?
- bunch – when sticking together like bananas?
- herd – Moo! Even ducks can learn a foreign language
- paddling – not quite willing to go in up to their shoulders
- raft – for the non-swimmers?
- safe – Is this pond safe? Well, it deep ends!
- skein – typically flying in the V-shaped formation
- sord – when on the ground
- sore – after a long migratory flight?
- string – Mr Duck, are you part of this string? I’m a frayed not!
- team – a single duck swimming alone makes no sense!
- waddling – waddle they come up with next!