The Woodland Beavers have been celebrating a slightly early Halloween!
We started by having a Mummy Wrap
We had a prize for the best Mummy – well done White Lodge – and a prize for the Mummy that kept their shape best in our Mummy Race – well done Green Lodge.
The Beavers did a great job of tidying up really quickly.
Then we played Halloween Bingo.
Then we played Murder in the Dark but, for obvious reasons, the pictures are not very good.
Lastly, we did a brain dig. The brain was in a plastic bag and in the mush were 3 green and 3 red woggles. The beavers had to dig in the brain and pull out a woggle. If they pulled out a green one, they won a prize. If they pulled out a red one, they had to do a forfeit before winning a prize.