This means: Section meetings can take place outdoors and indoors. Residential activities may take place.
Group sizes and limitations:
All non-residential activities (including young people, Scout Network and adult only groups): No limit on group size, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID and, if this is not possible, they must not take place. Outdoor activities are still encouraged. In poorly ventilated locations social distancing and face coverings are expected and recommended and any requirements by facilities and external providers must be followed.
Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place, limited to a maximum of 6 people per sleeping space (tent or room). COVID measures such as good hygiene remain in place, and lateral flow testing is strongly recommended to take place immediately prior to departure and twice a week throughout the trip and on return for those age 11 and over.
Note: It’s important to remember that we’re still in the middle of the pandemic and we all have the duty to make sure we’re following the letter and spirit of the guidance. Although there is no longer a legal requirement for many things, as Scouts, with a duty of care to others and to young people, we recommend and expect the application of good hygiene and COVID-safe approaches to all our meetings, events, activities and residential experiences.
Any changes to the current readiness level will be published here: